About Elements4Life

Elements4Life (E4L) is an innovative and advanced functional team training fitness network that combines experienced coaching techniques, effective training systems, advanced technology and daily training protocols to help develop strong, healthy and energised individuals and communities.

What was the challenge?

E4L required an application with the following capabilities:

  • Create and store daily, weekly, monthly, and one-off workout schedules and styles
  • Display workouts on up to seven displays located throughout a training centre, in portrait and landscape formats
  • Integration with Power Music1
  • Display skills videos

The benefits for Elements4Life

SmartTeam™ is an application that will support E4L’s expanding gym network. Some of the overarching benefits from the implementation of SmartTeam include:


The application differentiates E4L from the competition by enabling the consistent delivery of the E4L experience across all workouts and all coaches


The application facilitates the delivery of tailored workout sessions for each of the four training elements, Wind Energy (Green), Fire Power (Red), Water Flow (Blue) and Earth Core (Yellow)

An exceptional user experience

SmartTeam provides a dynamic visual and audio experience that enhances the user experience and motivates clients while critically strengthening retention rates

Better technology = more opportunity

Azure AD Identity Protection helped make user access more secure. Windows Autopilot helped individualise the user experience and provided for smart configuration and faster deployment. The new, single-window Microsoft 365 suite bundled a smart, efficient operating system with enterprise-grade security tools and integrated workplace productivity apps.

An innovative solution

The process began with a simple implementation of a subset of the overall requirements, then the iterative enhancement of evolving versions of the application, until the full app was delivered.

F1 Solutions used this iterative model of feedback implementation to effectively collaborate with the team and stakeholders at E4L, to evaluate and test each component throughout the process.

We then delivered the new training application called ‘SmartTeam’ for E4L’s growing gymnasium operation.

The application consisted of an Administration module and an External module. The Administration module enables E4L staff to enter all data relating to E4L’s specific style of workouts. The External module is a web-based system for the display of the workout schedule on a series of screens located throughout the training area, including a centrally located touchscreen from which the coach will control the workout session.

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