Australia is a diverse, multicultural country. It is the original dwelling place of the world’s oldest continuous cultures, the Aboriginal people.

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is the national leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia. The organisation provides advice and guidance to the Australian Government on policy and budget matters while advocating for community-developed health solutions that contribute to the quality of life and improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Over 143 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) operate in over 300 clinics across Australia that deliver holistic, comprehensive and culturally competent primary healthcare services.

What was the challenge?

As NACCHO works closely with over 143 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) across the country on Aboriginal health and wellbeing issues, NACCHO’s primary mandate is to promote, develop and expand the provision of health and wellbeing services. The organisation needs to liaise with organisations and governments within both the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community on health and wellbeing policy and planning issues. This requires a efficient, ‘always on’ technology solution that can function under the most challenging environment in local communities. Major challenges include data security, availability of services in remote areas.

Good technology

F1 Solutions has provided Karinya House with IT infrastructure and support since the partnership began in 2005. This service has been provided on a pro bono basis, with remote desktop support, technical on-call advice, website hosting and equipment maintenance and provision, and general ICT advice being provided on a significantly discounted basis.

F1 Solutions worked closely with non-technical stakeholders and administrative staff to help the organisation to define its needs, providing a roadmap for the IT upgrade. The solution covered the below service offerings to ensure Karinya House experienced minimal disruption to organisational activities

A modern, Office365 environment with endpoint detection

Microsoft Azure AD Conditional Access policies to share documents, resources and applications and for better and more robust protection of corporate data

Industry leading antivirus and antispam protection

Fully managed, state-of-the-art endpoint devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles

Unlimited Australian helpdesk support from 7am to 7pm weekdays

Dedicated account management

Cloud and on-site backup services

Software licence and renewal

The benefits for NACCHO

F1 Solutions provided mission-critical, centralised IT systems, managed services solutions, cloud solutions and supporting infrastructure.

As part of its mission to help NACCHO build a more sustainable organisation, F1 Solutions helped NACCHO to migrate most of its on-prem infrastructure into the cloud with Microsoft Office365. The E5 plan included the latest versions of the modern office productivity suite with advanced security management, threat intelligence, security and compliance centre, unlimited one-drive storage, microsoft teams, workflow automation, Power BI and state-of-the-art enterprise mobility.

This meant that even during an event as disruptive as the COVID-19 crisis, systems were protected and available, and NACCHO was able to continue doing its vital work.

Increased performance

Not only was the new system more scalable, secure and resilient, it also increased efficiency, boosted performance and created a far-improved user experience for staff and clients.

Enhanced security

From user error to cyber attacks, the threats facing NACCHO were no longer a critical danger to the business as systems were secured and actively managed.

An exceptional customer experience

This is what the project was ultimately all about, and feedback says it was a success.

Enhanced security stance

Industry leading endpoint protection that used AI powered detection secure its end-points, network and cloud environment.

Zero-day protection

Antispam and antivirus protection ensured that email phishing and other malicious email borne bad actors such as including Trojans, worms, botnets, etc. did not get through to NACCHO systems.

A unique solution

F1 Solutions moved NACCHO from a traditional IT services, break/fix or on-demand outsourcing model to a strategic IT approach.

With this new approach, F1 Solutions offered a holistic, F1 Solutions' Advantage Premium solution future-proofed NACCHO while taking responsibility for the management of the organisation’s IT systems, including proactive monitoring of on-premise servers.

The plan provided NACCHO with a simple, all-in-one user license and subscription that included everything NACCHO staff would require to be productive and cyber safe, and to operate efficiently and effectively in a modern IT environment.

F1 Solutions' Advantage Enterprise Services solution was implemented to proactively monitor essential infrastructure 24/7, detecting and fixing issues before they became significant enough to impact operations.

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